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Egyptian Tarot - Arcane

Arcane 1

Carta Tarot 1

Arcana 1: THE MAGICIAN, THE MAGUS or THE HIEROPHANT, in the act of creating, in the act of exercising the Great Work. The magician is standing in an attitude of exercising the power of will at the moment of taking action, at the moment of creating. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Aleph (א) (Álef), first of Hebrew Alphabet. Kabalistic Sephiroth: Kether (Kéther) Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the Unity, the Principle of Light, the Father, the world as a manifestation, the man as a living unit. Physical manifestation Tends to the ordering of the elements of nature and the control of forces in action; and gives the ability to buy and sell, create, train and use. Applicable Maxim “Be in your works how you are in your thoughts.” Prediction Promises mastery of material obstacles. New social relationships. The attend of faithful friends who help the development of projects, and jealous friends who hinder them.

Arcane 2

Carta Tarot 2

bArcana 2: THE GATE OF THE SANCTUARY or THE PRIESTESS in the act of exercising her blessed priesthood. Here we have the Occult Science, represented by a majestic woman sitting between the two columns of a temple; these columns represent good and evil. The priestess is beyond the good and the evil... Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Bet (ב). Kabalistic Sephiroth: Chokmah (Hokmá) Interpretation According to the ancient tradition, it represents the divine substance, the plasma principle, the Mother in all its aspects. Physical manifestation Tends to the fusion of desires, chemical affinity, the relationship of the sexes, trade, exchange, duality and duplicity. Applicable Maxim “The wind and the waves are always on the side of those who know how to navigate.” Prediction Predicts attractions and rejections... Profit and loss. Ascents and descents...

Arcane 3

Carta Tarot 3

ISIS-URANIA or THE EMPRESS in the act of making manifest its great power. It is certainly Isis (has its attributes) and not Iris, as it appears (errata) in the original picture. It symbolizes the ancient idea of Mother Nature, common to all cultures. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Gimel (ג) (Ghímel). Kabalistic Sephiroth: Binah (Biná) Interpretation According to the ancient tradition, it represents the divine nature, the organism in function, the conjunction of forces that tends towards the same goal. Physical manifestation Inclines to the expansion, multiplication and concretion of ideas. Applicable Maxim “Weaving is your loom, fabrics for your use, and fabrics that you do not have to use.” Prediction Augurs: Ideation and production. Richness Abundance of material goods. Obstacles to overcome, and satisfactions as they overcome.

Arcane 4

Carta Tarot 4

Arcana 4: THE CUBIC STONE or THE EMPEROR in the very act of governing their domains. Here we see a man wearing a crowned helmet on his head, emblem of the conquest, which is confirmed in the cube on which he is sitting, because it is the symbol of the work that has come to an end, the cubic stone has been polished. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Dalet (ד) (Dálet). Kabalistic Sephiroth: Chesed (Hésed) Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents intelligible reality and tangible reality. Physical Manifestation Tends to the realization of material things, the crystallization of effort and the obtaining of power. Applicable Maxim “To the work of your hands give blessing, to the work of thought, put heart.” Prediction Augurs material achievements and foundations for higher enterprises. Favorable results in the invested efforts... and painful conditions to achieve them. Friends are simultaneously help and hindrance.

Arcane 5

Carta Tarot 5

Arcana 5: THE MASTER OF THE ARCANAS or THE HIERARCH in the act of imparting the grace of his ministry. The High Priest of Isis is represented here, sitting among the columns of the sanctuary. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Hei (ה). Kabalistic Sephiroth: Geburah (Gheburá) Interpretation According to the ancient tradition, it represents the beginning of the divine light, the light that vivifies, the universal religion, the initiation in the sacred rites. Physical Manifestation Tends to give direction and control to natural forces, grant freedom within the discipline and give effectiveness to organic processes. Applicable Maxim “Heard you I heard; but now my eyes see you and my heart feels you.” Prediction Augurs freedom and restrictions. New experiences Acquisition of useful lessons. Loves and love...

Arcane 6

Carta Tarot 6

Arcana 6: THE TWO WAYS or THE INDECISION in the act of choosing between two paths. Here, we see the disciple or neophyte, vacillating between paths, and each one is marked by a woman. They symbolize: the one on his right, the Virtue, and the one on his left, the Vice. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Vav (ו). Kabalistic Sephiroth: Tiphereth (Tiféret) Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the knowledge of Good and Evil, Natural Law, vice and virtue as elements of transcendent action. Physical Manifestation Tends to the determination of conduct, marriage or celibacy, abstention in the inclinations of the appetite or enjoyment without rate of enjoyment. Applicable Maxim “Oh, Lord! You give me works, but strength with them.” Prediction Augurs privileges and duties in the relations of sexes. Antagonism of forces, separations and divorces. Possession of what is sought.

Arcane 7

Carta Tarot 7

Arcana 7: THE CHARIOT OF OSIRIS or THE TRIUMPH in the act of evidencing its double nature. Here we have a warrior mounted on a cubic car, on which four columns hold a starry ceiling. These columns symbolize the four elements, while the cubical car means that the warrior's longing has been realized through his will, conquering every obstacle. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Zayin (ז) (Záyin). Kabalistic Sephiroth: Netzach (Netzáh) Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the principle of final cause, the spirit made form, the operative cause as the force that operates, the reason for the purpose and the power that allows it to be realized. Physical Manifestation Tends to inspire desires and impulses to overcome, create contrasts between the inner and outer world and determine hesitations and resolutions, the first depressing, the second fortunate. Applicable Maxim “When science enters your heart and wisdom is sweet to your soul, ask and it will be given to you.” Prediction Augurs magnetic power, successful intellection (union of intellect and intuition). Also justice and reparations. Great triumph

Arcane 8

Carta Tarot 8

Arcana 8: THE BALANCE AND THE SWORD or THE JUSTICE in the act of knowing and sentencing on basis and rectitude. We see a distinguished woman sitting, who —with great authority— holds the sword in one hand and the balance in the other... She judges and punishes. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Het (ח). Kabalistic Sephiroth: Hod. Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the principle of elementary existence, the distribution in equity, consciousness as a source of knowledge. Physical Manifestation Tends to evolution and involution, attraction and repulsion, to what is pleasing and ungrateful simultaneously. Applicable Maxim “Build an altar in your heart, but do not make an altar of your heart.” Prediction Predicts rewards and restitutions. Punishments and rewards. Contests.

Arcane 9

Carta Tarot 9

Arcana 9: THE VEILED LAMP or THE EREMITE in the act of illuminating his inner world, his microcosm. An old man —symbol of wisdom— holds a lit lamp that he covers with his cloak, as a sign of discretion. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Tet (ט). Kabalistic Sephiroth: Jesod (Yesód) Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the principle of love as a pure act, the element of conservation and renewal, the protective genius, prudence. Physical Manifestation Tends to molecular development, the culmination of everything that is earlier, the decoration of the finished work. Applicable Maxim “Go up to the mountain and contemplate the Promised Land; but I do not tell you that you will enter.” Prediction Augurs Force. Wisdom. Hard earned experience.

Arcane 10

Carta Tarot 10

Arcana 10: THE SPHINX or THE REMUNERATION in his remunerative work. Here we have the oldest drawing of the Wheel of Destiny turning on its axis, the axis mundi. On the one hand we see the God Ke-Ptah, the Spirit of Good, the “Master builder.” On the other side, Typhoon Baphomet, the Spirit of Evil, who is about to be thrown from the wheel while the Spirit of Good rises. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Yod (י). Kabalistic Sephiroth: Malkuth (Malkút) Horary: First Hour of Apollonius: “Transcendental study of the Occult.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the principle of the embodied Word, the order and necessity of its existence, periodicity, karma, cause and effect. Physical Manifestation Tends to action and reaction, the application of moral to material confrontation of deferred, unfulfilled duties. Applicable Maxim “Expensive is the knowledge that you buy with experience, and more expensive is the knowledge that you still need to buy.” Prediction Good and bad fortune... Elevations and descents. Legitimate possessions and doubtful possessions.

Arcane 11

Carta Tarot 11

Arcana 11: THE TAMED LION or THE PERSUASION, in the quiet act of persuading. In the tarot of Marseille: THE FORCE. We see here a young maiden opening and closing without effort the mouth of a lion. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Kaf (כ). Horary: Second Hour of Apollonius: “The abyss of fire and the astral virtues forms a circle through dragons and fire.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the effort of the mind, the reflex acts, the moral power, what is superior in man. Physical Manifestation Tends to the dominion of low passions, the preservation of one's moral integrity, the creation of material elements through faith. Applicable Maxim “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, persistent in prayer.” Prediction Augurs: Vitality. Resignation to overcome the setbacks. Control of the direction or objective pursued...

Arcane 12

Carta Tarot 12

Arcana 12: THE SACRIFICE or THE APOSTOLATE in the act of consummating his sacred mission. A man hangs by a foot of a gallows lying on the trunks of two trees, whose twelve branches have been cut. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Lamed (ל) (Lámed). Horary: Third Hour of Apollonius. “Snakes, dogs and fire.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the beginning of the expansive movement, the consummation of voluntary sacrifice, altruism as a creative force. Physical Manifestation Tends to the reversal of values, the discomfort of the material produced by the predominance of morality, self-denial as an expansive force. Applicable Maxim “Although the sun tires you by day, and the moon afflicts you by night, do not let your foot slip, nor sleep when you stand on guard.” Prediction Augurs: Contrarieties Falls Suddenly lost of position.

Arcane 13

Carta Tarot 13

Arcana 13: THE SKELETON HARVESTING, THE REAPING SKELETON or THE IMMORTALITY in the act of renewing life. A skeleton armed with a scythe symbolizes death, which mows human beings, whose heads, feet and hands are constantly born again… Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Mem (מ). Horary: Fourth Hour of Apollonius: “The neophyte will wander at night among the tombs, will experience the horror of the visions, will dedicate to magic and Goetia.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the renewal, the rebirth, through which elements are transmuted alchemically into others and man continues in his works. Physical Manifestation Tends to the processes that favors lethargy, drowsiness, petrifaction, sleepwalking, what is corrupted, what is destroyed, what perishes to be reborn in a different way. Applicable Maxim “The night has passed and the new day has arrived. Get dressed then with the weapons of light.” Prediction Augurs: Deceiving expectations. Negative in what is requested. Death of affects.

Arcane 14

Carta Tarot 14

ARCANA 14: THE TWO URNS or THE TEMPERANCE in the act of combining the virtues. A figure representing Ra, the Sun —the Solar Logos, the Platonists would say— is transferring the elemental forces of nature from a golden chalice to a silver chalice. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Nun (נ) (Noon). Horary: Fifth Hour of Apollonius: “The upper waters of heaven.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the affinity of the opposites, the reversibility of the elements, the mercy in their work of giving things the right proportion. Physical Manifestation Tends to regulate the relations of the sexes, the balance of life force, frugality, chastity, which tempers the emotions and counteracts the passions. Applicable Maxim “Do not be like straw before the wind, nor like the wind before straw.” Prediction Augurs: Friendships. Devout loves. But also may be treacherous loves.

Arcane 15

Carta Tarot 15

Arcana 15: TIPHÓN or THE PASSION in the act of emanating its potential emanations. This is the Spirit of Evil, of Fatality and Chaos. At his feet are two men with goat heads and chains around their necks, symbolizing those beings which vice knocks them down lower than the beast. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Samech (ס) (Sámeh). Horary: Sixth Hour of Apollonius: “Here it is necessary to stay still, immobile, because of fear.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the attractiveness of the mystery, the creative fire. Physical Manifestation Trends to the processes of generation, intense desires, malice, discord, fear and anger, fire and water that turns it out. Applicable Maxim “They made me a vineyards’ keeper, and my vineyard which was mine, I do not keep it up.” Prediction Augurs: Controversies Passions Fatalities

Arcane 16

Carta Tarot 16

Arcana 16: THE THUNDER-STRUCK TOWER or THE FRAGILITY in the act of consummating the plans of Divine Providence. We see here a pyramid whose pinnacle is thunderstruck destroyed, dropping down two men, one of them with a crown on his head. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Ayin (ע) (Áyin). Horary: Seventh Hour of Apollonius: “Fire comforts inanimate beings, and if some Priest, a Man sufficiently purified, steals it and then projects it, if he mixes it with Holy Oil and consecrates it, he will be able to cure all diseases just by applying it to the affected party.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the principle of the inscrutable, the temporal, the perishable as the determining cause of the evolution of beings and things. Physical Manifestation Tends to the afflictive processes, the rigor, the severity, which in some way awakens the latent powers. Applicable Maxim “Light of dawn, light of midday, light of dusk: It is light; that is what matters.” Prediction Augurs: Unforeseen accidents Deaths. Needs.

Arcane 17

Carta Tarot 17

Arcana 17: THE STAR OF THE MAGI or THE HOPE in the act of transmuting the primordial elements. It represents a naked maiden with one foot on the sea and another foot on the ground. Holds two cups from which flow the Goodness and Charity, the balm that relieves human suffering. Above the girl shines an eight-pointed star, a double symbol of the Universe and the divine Trinity. Symbology The mystery of the cosmogonic breath. It is related to the Hebrew letter Peh (פ) (Pé). Horary: Eighth Hour of Apollonius: “The astral virtues of the elements, of the seeds of all genders.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the immortality of existence, the creative force of faith… and hope, her sister. Physical Manifestation Tends to the processes that fuel optimism, expectations, genius, charity and everything that strengthens the mind even if it brings deprivation. Applicable Maxim “Some men ask for signals to believe and others ask for wisdom to act; but the hopeful heart has everything in its hope. “ Prediction Augurs: Intuition. Births Anger and reconciliation.

Arcane 18

Carta Tarot 18

Arcana 18: THE TWILIGHT in the act of manifesting the magical power of the contrasting light. Two pyramids are at the edge of a road; in front of them two dogs howl at the moon; Next, you see a scorpion. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Tzade (צ) (Tzádi). Horary: Ninth Hour of Apollonius. “Here nothing is finished yet.” Interpretation According to the ancient tradition, it represents the principle of the force of magnetism, the clamor that inquires, the emanation that fascinates, the power of enchantment. Physical Manifestation Tends to processes linked to the manifestation of hidden powers, the action of subtle forces, which requires deliberation without reaching resolution. Applicable Maxim “May the granary of your charity be inexhaustible, and your patience not less inexhaustible than your charity”. Prediction Augurs: Hidden dangers. Traps. Instability.

Arcane 19

Carta Tarot 19

Arcana 19: THE DAZZLING LIGHT or THE INSPIRATION in the act of spreading its emanations. In the tarot of Marseille: THE SUN. Under a radiant sun, a young man and a maiden take each other's hands in a circle of flowers. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Kaf (ק). Horary: Tenth Hour of Apollonius: “The doors of heaven open and man comes out of his lethargy.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the principle of creative fire, the nourishment of nature, the succession of acts. Physical Manifestation Tends to the processes that facilitate the union of the male and female element, the materialization of ideas into acts. Applicable Maxim “Take the shield of your faith and advance with decisive step; do it with favorable wind or against all winds”. Prediction Augurs: Success in the endeavors. Augmentation in power Fame.

Arcane 20

Carta Tarot 20

Arcana 20: THE RISING OF THE DEAD or THE RESURRECTION in the act of spiritual awakening. A genius plays a trumpet on top of a sarcophagus, from which emerges a family of father, mother and son. Symbolizes the Final Judgment of the Dead. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Resh (ר). Horary: Eleventh Hour of Apollonius: “Angels, cherubim and seraphim fly with rumors of wings; there is rejoicing in heaven, it awakens the Earth and the Sun that rises from Adam.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the principle of the intellect, deliberation, opinion, decision. Physical Manifestation Tends to the processes that establish a harmonious correspondence between the subconscious and the conscience, between the moral and the material, between what we feel, think and act. Applicable Maxim “Flower in the apple tree, fruit in the vineyard, sown in maturity.” Prediction Augurs: Lucky initiatives. Job. Earnings.

Arcane 21

Carta Tarot 21

Arcana 21: THE CROWN OF THE MAGI or THE TRANSMUTATION in the act of transmuting. In the tarot of Marseille: THE WORLD. We have before us a crown made of lotus flowers. In each of the four angles is a head, of lion, man, eagle and bull. Under the crown there is a kneeling girl who represents the Religion. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Shin (ש). Horary: Twelfth Hour of Apollonius: “The Towers of Fire Disturb.” Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the principle of the Word in its triple function of creative, renovating and conservative power, the cosmogonic matrix in birth labor. Physical Manifestation Tends to the processes that favor the stimulus, the right inspirations, and the remunerative work. Applicable Maxim “The sun rises and the sun sets and again returns to its place, where it returns to birth.” Prediction Augurs: Long life... Also inheritances. Victories and distinctions.

Arcane 22

Carta Tarot 22

Arcana 22: THE CROCODILE or THE RETURN as a reintegration action. In the tarot of Marseille: THE FOOL. This image, which has often been called the Atheist, or the Fool, or the Crazy, represents a blind man with a bag on each side of his shoulder and a cane in his hand, walking towards a broken obelisk, lying on the ground and behind which —with its huge mouth open— a crocodile awaits him. Symbology It is related to the Hebrew letter Tav (ת). Horary: There is an Hour Thirteen, which is the Liberation Hour. Interpretation According to ancient tradition, it represents the principle of the light that vivifies the living heat. In this Arcana, the danger is accurately indicated by the crocodile. Physical Manifestation Trends to processes that favors imprudence, extravagance, delirium, conceit, the debauchery of passions in search of gratification. Applicable Maxim “In his secret my soul does not enter, nor in his port my ship.” Prediction Augurs: Deprivation of something that is currently enjoyed. There may also be obfuscation in trying to get what you want. It can announce ruin in what most puffs us up.